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"Vedove Allegre" (The Merry Widows) directed by Sergio Bargone

With actor Mauro Marino in Alan Ayckbourn's "Bedroom Farce"
Alan Ayckbourn's "Absurd Person Singular" with actor/director Giovanni Lombardo Radice

"L'Atelier" by J. Grumberg, show directed by Patrick Rossi Gastaldi

"Coco Chanel" directed by Christian Duguay. On location during a pause in filming

Virginia Woolf's
"A Room 0f One's Own"

"Shirley Valentine"

"Nightfall" by Joanna Murray Smith directed by Bianca Galipo'

Roger Hall's "The Book Club"
directed by Bianca Galipo'

Dress rehearsal
"A Room of One's Own"
22nd March 2024
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